The Poddy Report

Unraveling the Secrets of Successful Content Launch Planning

August 29, 2023 Krystal Proffitt Season 1 Episode 893
Unraveling the Secrets of Successful Content Launch Planning
The Poddy Report
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The Poddy Report
Unraveling the Secrets of Successful Content Launch Planning
Aug 29, 2023 Season 1 Episode 893
Krystal Proffitt

Get ready to command your content launches like a pro! As I juggle three launches in the next eight weeks, I've honed a foolproof strategy that keeps my planning sharp and intentional. And guess what? You can, too. 

In this episode, I take you behind the scenes, shedding light on the three indispensable tools that aid my launch planning - Asana, Google Docs, and Google Sheets. Tune in as I reveal my precise planning process, from a comprehensive brain dump on Google Docs to fine-tuning content details on Google Sheets to tracking progress and accountability on Asana. 

I assure you, it's not merely about the tools; it's all about making them work for you. So, let's get your content organized, stay on course, and hit those launch goals together. After all, it's all about keeping it fresh, fun, and moving forward, right?

Show Notes Transcript

Get ready to command your content launches like a pro! As I juggle three launches in the next eight weeks, I've honed a foolproof strategy that keeps my planning sharp and intentional. And guess what? You can, too. 

In this episode, I take you behind the scenes, shedding light on the three indispensable tools that aid my launch planning - Asana, Google Docs, and Google Sheets. Tune in as I reveal my precise planning process, from a comprehensive brain dump on Google Docs to fine-tuning content details on Google Sheets to tracking progress and accountability on Asana. 

I assure you, it's not merely about the tools; it's all about making them work for you. So, let's get your content organized, stay on course, and hit those launch goals together. After all, it's all about keeping it fresh, fun, and moving forward, right?

Speaker 0:

Welcome back to another episode of the Potty Report. So I'm in the middle of planning for some upcoming launches, and by launches I mean three. By upcoming I mean over the next. Let me see seven, eight weeks. Yeah, three launches in the next eight weeks and I'm preparing like a mad woman to make sure that I have a clear plan and I'm being very intentional with all of my content. And because I like to use this podcast as my creative little brain trust and I share the behind the scenes with you and just share with you some of the details that you won't often see on Instagram and my emails or even on the profit podcast or my YouTube channel, I thought, well, why don't I share some of the things that I'm using to plan with, or plan for my content launch or plan for my launch? Hang on, let me I'll say this the correct way in a second how I can use a strategic plan for my upcoming launches with my content.

Speaker 0:

So there's three tools that I rely on heavily, heavily, heavily, heavily, and I'm specifically using these three during this pre launch because none of these things are active, like right now. You can't go and it's not a cart open as of me recording this, but I'm looking at okay, these are when days are happening that are important. That is either a webinar or it is a training, or it is a cart open or a cart close, and I need to high level look at what do I need to do, how do I need to plan it to get there? Now the tool. I'm going to start with these in the reverse order, because this is how I engineer these things. I end up with everything in a sauna and I know do you probably heard me talk about a sauna before. I love a sauna, but I don't want you to get the wrong idea that I just start with a sauna and I just throw everything into it, because I don't do that, because I have in the past and it's gotten really messy. So what I like to do instead is so, a sauna is one of the tools that I use, but the other two are Google Docs and Google Sheets. I know you're like well Crystal, those, those are all free tools. Those aren't mind blowing tools, I know, but it's how you use them that makes them so effective.

Speaker 0:

So what I will do is, in Google Docs, I do like a brain dump of everything that I need to do during a launch. I will write out okay, this is the pre-launch phase, and I will even create a calendar in there that says, okay, it's pre-launch from this date to this date. Then we're going to have because it lands on a Tuesday, we're going to have a podcast episode that day, and then this is a Friday, so we'll have an email. What does that look like? Okay, we'll, we'll do a YouTube video on this day, and then it's like very strategically laid out in Google Docs, because it's my way. I used to do this on a whiteboard, so it's my way of whiteboarding things and just keeping it a little bit fine tuned. So I'll do that in Google Doc first. Then I will use Google Sheets to plan the actual content and what that looks like.

Speaker 0:

So, whether I'm legitimately putting out okay, this is a podcast episode, its intention, its purpose is this whether it's promoting a specific freebie or a specific date, like, oh, the card opens on this date, I will use Google Sheets to keep all of that in line and then I will move the information from Google Docs and Google Sheets into a sauna, in a way that I am holding myself accountable and assigning due dates for everything, because now I know, I have my Google Doc that tells me everything I need to do.

Speaker 0:

I have my Google Sheet that tells me the date which everything needs to happen and it's proposed intention, and then I just start filling it in, and I recently upgraded my Asana. I've been using the free version for years and I finally said you know what? And I'm an ambassador for Asana, so I have the full blown paid version, but it wasn't mine and I was like I just need to invest in this product that I've been using for so long. So I now have the timeline version of Asana, where I can literally open it up and see timelines what is today? Where are we at? And it is so helpful. So, planning your upcoming launch, rely on tools that can help you keep your content organized so that you can stay on track and hit your goals. But that's all I have for you today. So, as always, remember, keep it fresh, keep it fun and just keep going.