The Poddy Report

A New Approach to Time Management with Marie Forleo

September 12, 2023 Krystal Proffitt Season 1 Episode 903
A New Approach to Time Management with Marie Forleo
The Poddy Report
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The Poddy Report
A New Approach to Time Management with Marie Forleo
Sep 12, 2023 Season 1 Episode 903
Krystal Proffitt

Ever felt like there simply aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done? You'll want to stick around for this one - productivity guru Marie Forleo is joining me on the podcast! Marie's insightful webinar 'Three Productivity Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make' is a game changer for anyone struggling to manage their time effectively. As someone who used to be a procrastination expert, I can vouch for the transformational impact of Marie's advice.

Her Time Genius program isn't just about doing more; it's about making your success inevitable. With modules like 'Escape the Time Stress Trap' and 'Make Your Success Inevitable', you'll experience a significant shift in how you approach your daily routines. We'll also discuss how to stay motivated, consistent, and inspired long-term.

So, buckle up and get ready to shake up your time management game. Remember, keep it fresh, keep it fun, and just keep going!

Go to to save your seat for her FREE masterclass!

Show Notes Transcript

Ever felt like there simply aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done? You'll want to stick around for this one - productivity guru Marie Forleo is joining me on the podcast! Marie's insightful webinar 'Three Productivity Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make' is a game changer for anyone struggling to manage their time effectively. As someone who used to be a procrastination expert, I can vouch for the transformational impact of Marie's advice.

Her Time Genius program isn't just about doing more; it's about making your success inevitable. With modules like 'Escape the Time Stress Trap' and 'Make Your Success Inevitable', you'll experience a significant shift in how you approach your daily routines. We'll also discuss how to stay motivated, consistent, and inspired long-term.

So, buckle up and get ready to shake up your time management game. Remember, keep it fresh, keep it fun, and just keep going!

Go to to save your seat for her FREE masterclass!

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of the Putty Report. I have something so special to share with you today, so I get a lot done. I know that sounds like kind of arrogant to say that, but I was like I just have to blur it out and say it. I am hyper productive, and what I mean by that is I have learned how to be very organized, be very strategic and really make the most of my time. And I had an opportunity recently to promote a program and a jump at it with reckless abandon, because so many of you come to me and say, crystal, I need more time, crystal, I wish that there were 48 hours on a day and I would get so much more done. And if this is you, if you're just like, oh my gosh, yes, I need help with productivity, I need help with time management, I need help with project management I don't know where to really focus to get a lot of clarity on what I'm actually supposed to be doing, then I want you to check out Marie Forleo's webinar. So she has a webinar right now that I want you to go check out because it will help you tremendously. It's called Three Productivity Mistakes you Can't Afford to Make, and it is so good, it is such a fantastic webinar and it's one that you can register for now, today. Go to crystalprofitcom, forward, slash productivity and there's all kinds of fun stuff whenever you show up.

Speaker 1:

Live to one of Marie's training. She usually has confetti and dancing. There's always dancing, there's always dancing and there's so much honesty, tough love, real talk all the things that I needed to really get my shiitake together to. You know, like, come on, if you saw my recent email talking about like procrastinators anonymous, that is me. This is like who I was to my core for a really long time and I want you to go check it out. And when you go to the webinar, I'm just going to be very upfront because you're like well, crystal, is Marie going to promote something? Yes, she's going to talk about her time genius program. Now, this is something that Marie launched last year and it's an incredible program. So let me tell you a little bit about the program. So what it is, it's a two week live virtual experience. So it's not something that is going to take you weeks or months to get through and take action.

Speaker 1:

No, it is simple and straight into the point, and some of the modules like module one is called escape the time stress trap. The second one is no, it's important and nor ignore what's not. The third is make your success inevitable. How sexy does that sound? Make your success inevitable. The fourth module is get it all done joyfully. And module five is stay motivated, consistent and inspired long term.

Speaker 1:

If you're listening to this and you're like this is exactly what I need, like I need something. I've been taking, you know, all these other courses or I've like been doing all the things and my calendar has not changed and I'm overwhelmed, I'm stressed out, I can't manage anything. Come join us in Marie's free training. That's step number one. If you're like Crystal, what do I do today? Like what's going on? Step number one is join us in her free webinar. Again, go to crystalprofitcom.

Speaker 1:

Forward slash productivity. Her first ones are starting on Thursday, september 14th. Go check it out. And, of course, I'm promoting this because I'm an affiliate for time genius and I'm going to tell you to check out the program as well, because I have created, I've curated something that's really special, because I didn't want to just use something that I've used in other promotions. Or you know what I will eventually promote for digital course academy, specifically for this I am giving you.

Speaker 1:

I have a fast action bonus that expires on the 14th, so pay attention if you're interested. It's 48 hours only and it's my time management book bundle. So these are, let me count them. I have one, two, three, four, five, five books that I'm going to send to you Physical books, not virtual, not ebooks. I'm going to send you these books and these have been game changers for my time and productivity management. Then we also have the content production templates, which is all of my assanas, all of my SOPs. Stay tuned, it's really, really good stuff. And then I am creating a special bonus training called how I batch my content. So it's way deeper than any free content you see online. You can't find this anywhere else. But go sign up for Marie's webinar, go to crystalprofitcom, forward, slash productivity, remember, keep it fresh, keep it fun and just keep going.