Achieving Inbox Zero and Project Management Efficiency
Sep 13, 2023Season 1Episode 904
Krystal Proffitt
Eager to detox your digital workspace and get super-organized? This episode is your ultimate guide to decluttering your digital life, using Asana for project management, and managing your inbox effectively. As we embark on a new season, it's time to step into digital cleaning.
Hear how I tackled tidying up my Asana, preparing it for collaboration, and the magic of archiving old projects. I also share my latest journey to achieving a clean inbox, inspired by a transformative YouTube video from a Google employee.
But we don't stop there! We delve deeper into the digital decluttering journey as we discuss the chaos of a poorly organized Google Drive and how muddled project management systems can wreak havoc on your sanity.
It's time to end the madness and usher in a new era of digital cleanliness. So, take a break, grab a cup of coffee, and join me as we explore the wonders of digital spring cleaning. Remember, a clean workspace is a productive workspace. So, let's keep it fresh, fun, and keep going!
Eager to detox your digital workspace and get super-organized? This episode is your ultimate guide to decluttering your digital life, using Asana for project management, and managing your inbox effectively. As we embark on a new season, it's time to step into digital cleaning.
Hear how I tackled tidying up my Asana, preparing it for collaboration, and the magic of archiving old projects. I also share my latest journey to achieving a clean inbox, inspired by a transformative YouTube video from a Google employee.
But we don't stop there! We delve deeper into the digital decluttering journey as we discuss the chaos of a poorly organized Google Drive and how muddled project management systems can wreak havoc on your sanity.
It's time to end the madness and usher in a new era of digital cleanliness. So, take a break, grab a cup of coffee, and join me as we explore the wonders of digital spring cleaning. Remember, a clean workspace is a productive workspace. So, let's keep it fresh, fun, and keep going!
Speaker 0:
Welcome back to another episode of the Putty Report. So yesterday I told you about productivity and Marie's webinar. If you have not listened to that, go back and listen to yesterday's episode. Get registered for Marie's webinar so you do not miss it. They start tomorrow, september 14th, so let's put that on. You know the to-do list right away if you haven't already done it.
Speaker 0:
But the thing that I wanted to talk about today is getting hyper-organized with my Asana. So if you've been around here for a while, you heard me talk about I treat back to school kind of like a mini new year, where it's like you're spring cleaning and you're just tidying things up in your business, whether it's cleaning out your email, you know, getting your Google Drive organized or whatever that looks like for you. One thing that I realized is I needed to clean up my Asana so that I can be prepared when other people start coming into my Asana and you know I have multiple people working for me and then all of a sudden, it's like, oh, we're confused, like all this stuff doesn't make sense. So I'm trying to clean house before I invite people in, and one of the things that I've been doing is going back and archiving old projects that I don't need anymore. Now notice, I said archiving and not deleting, so this has been the magic tool for me, especially recently. So I know that I told you about. You know, my email inbox hack. Maybe I did.
Speaker 0:
I get confused on what I actually share on here versus what, like it was just in a conversation. I'm like, oh, I know I had the thought, oh, I need to share that on the potty report. So let me break it down real fast. I watched a YouTube video from a guy that used to work at Google and he showed how he organizes his inbox game changer. So he has three labels awaiting response to read and follow up. Those are it. This is what I changed mine to, and as soon as I read an email, I will label it one of those things or I will archive it.
Speaker 0:
So, immediately I have gotten into this, like, oh, I'm going to archive everything that I don't need. Like, we are clean in house. If we don't need it anymore, it is gone, it is just, but it's getting archived, I'm not deleting it forever, it's not going away. And so this is what I started doing recently with Asana. I was like you know what, I'm going to clean it all up and there were so many things that I have seen where it was like kind of like creating a bunch of Google docs and then you don't really file them away where they're supposed to go and maybe you don't label them properly. Is this just me? Please tell me, I'm not alone. Please tell me, other people do this too.
Speaker 0:
You get a ton of ideas and then you're just like oh, you know, this is a great idea. Let me jot it down. It's the equivalent of me having a ton of notebooks, which I did for years and years and years. I still do this, not as much, but just having like a bunch of random notes here and there. This is what I do with Google docs now. I just create a bunch of Google docs and they're like everywhere, and then I'll go back to it a few months and I'm like what is this crap Like? What was I even talking about? I don't even know what this is.
Speaker 0:
So I have also done that with Asana projects, where I get an idea, I get inspired and I'm like let me just brand up everything that has to do with this. There are whole courses planned in Asana, there are mastermind ideas, there are email newsletter ideas. There's all kinds of stuff and I was like I don't need all of this, it's distracting. I need to have everything very sleek, very well organized, so that whenever I go in there I'm like, oh, this is such an inviting environment, I feel good about coming in here, it's clean, but also I want to have people come in here and know exactly where things are. It's not a hot mess and it's very easy to navigate, because I'm looking at growing and scaling and that is a piece of the puzzle that I want to make sure is very ironclad, figured out and not something that someone else has to come in and clean up my mess.
Speaker 0:
So all of this today has been a PSA for you. If you have not cleaned out your inbox in a while, if your Google Drive is a mess and you have a ton of projects or a ton of things in your project management system, it's just sitting there and it's bugging you and it's driving you crazy that it's not cleaned up. Clean it up, clean it up and then after noon take an hour like schedule some time. Schedule 15 minutes a day. 15 minutes a day can get you so far if it's unsubscribing from newsletters or archiving old stuff. But start doing it and make it happen and you will feel so much better in the long run. But that's all I have for you today. So, as always, remember, keep it fresh, keep it fun and just keep going.