Revolutionizing Content Creation and Launch Strategies with Chat GPT
Sep 15, 2023Season 1Episode 906
Krystal Proffitt
Managing multiple live promotions is a tightrope walk, and I've been right there, juggling three at once! Stressful, right? Well, not this year, thanks to a game-changer tool, chat GPT, a writing assistant that's truly revolutionized my approach to content creation.
In this episode, I share how chat GPT has transformed how I craft emails, sales page copy, and social media captions. It's been my secret to alleviating the pressure and overcoming the creative blocks that have haunted my past launches.
But that's not all! I've dug deep and identified two crucial areas I've been missing in my launches - nurturing leads and onboarding. With a newfound strategy, I've been fostering more robust relationships with leaders and engaging in open dialogues about promotions.
Most importantly, I've been embracing chat GPT to step up my onboarding game, crafting welcome emails from the get-go, and working backward to ensure smooth sailing. So, tune in as I spill the beans on how you can leverage chat GPT for your content creation needs and keep your launches fresh, fun, and moving forward.
Managing multiple live promotions is a tightrope walk, and I've been right there, juggling three at once! Stressful, right? Well, not this year, thanks to a game-changer tool, chat GPT, a writing assistant that's truly revolutionized my approach to content creation.
In this episode, I share how chat GPT has transformed how I craft emails, sales page copy, and social media captions. It's been my secret to alleviating the pressure and overcoming the creative blocks that have haunted my past launches.
But that's not all! I've dug deep and identified two crucial areas I've been missing in my launches - nurturing leads and onboarding. With a newfound strategy, I've been fostering more robust relationships with leaders and engaging in open dialogues about promotions.
Most importantly, I've been embracing chat GPT to step up my onboarding game, crafting welcome emails from the get-go, and working backward to ensure smooth sailing. So, tune in as I spill the beans on how you can leverage chat GPT for your content creation needs and keep your launches fresh, fun, and moving forward.
Speaker 0:
Welcome back to another episode of the potty report. So I'm gonna do the thing where I get really meta on you and I'm talking about the thing while I'm inside the thing, so that you can know what's going on in the thing, right, like we're on the same page here, right? You understand what I'm saying. So I'm in the middle of not one, not two, but three promotions right now. I know it's wild, it's crazy. Like what are you even doing in crystal? That's a little. Two of them are actually live like live promotions. I'm in the middle of talking about Amy Porterfield's course confident boot camp, which has already kicked off and will eventually start talking about her digital course academy program, which will open pretty soon. I'm also talking about Marie Forleo's Time Genius and I'm actively planning an upcoming launch for profit podcasting happening in October.
Speaker 0:
And let me tell you, this time of year in years past has been stressful, very, very stressful, and the main reason why is because I have to write a lot of emails, I have to write a lot of sales page copy, I have to write a lot of captions, for you know social media and do all this stuff, and it's so much easier this year. I just I wanted to create today's episode just to tell you how much chat GPT has totally changed the game for me, like it's a night and day difference for how I'm writing all of this content, and I wanted to tell you exactly what I'm doing so that you can take this blueprint and use it for yourself. So the first thing that I did, as I said, okay, in years past, what's the one thing I wish I would have done better in any of my affiliate launches? And the two things. So I actually came up with two. Right, I asked myself what's the one thing, and of course, I came up with more than one, because I can always see, like, where I can improve. And the two things that I realized I needed to improve is one really nurturing leads. Like once I realized, oh, someone's you know sign up for a free webinar, they've downloaded, you know a freebie and now they're cookie to me. How can I increase that relationship? I didn't do that in the past. I was just like, oh, I have people on my list, that's cool.
Speaker 0:
And then, when time came around for people to buy, maybe they went to someone else, you know, and they liked their affiliate program, or I don't even know what happened. But I had a long list of leads and then that, like, the conversion rate was just really bad. So I was like, okay, I wanna be engaged with my leads from the very beginning. I wanna send direct communication to them and have it an open dialogue, an open conversation about what's going on, the promotion and all the things. So that was number one.
Speaker 0:
The second one was onboarding. So I have been typically bad at this, for not just affiliate programs, for all of my programs, and I'm now I'm working on it, I'm calling myself out, I'm owning it and like owning my mistakes. But I used chat GPT from the very beginning and I said I'm writing my welcome emails right now, not the you know like, oh, doors are like cart open, no, no, no, no, no, we're starting at the end and we're working backwards. So I wrote all of the welcome emails like welcome to the program, you signed up, here's what you get, and everything else. Because typically what will happen is it will get down to the wire. And I'm still writing cart, cart close emails and I'm like, oh, my gosh, I've never even welcomed people that bought on day one into the program. Because I'm like, okay, I gotta get caught up. I'm trying to write the next day's emails. I'm trying to do this. So what I will do is I go into chat GPT and I say write a welcome sequence or welcome email that is welcoming people into this program.
Speaker 0:
And sometimes I'm just very generic and, you know, I just, whatever it spits out, I say, okay, this is the meat, these are the bones of what I'm using, and then I can go in, I put my own spin on it. I use the emojis that I like, I use my voice, I use my personality to make it like jujujup. But I've absolutely been using chat GPT for all of my emails. But then I'm tweaking it to make it me. I'm just using it as the starting blocks to get me to where I need to go.
Speaker 0:
And if you're not doing this with your email, with your content, with planning stuff, it is a game changer. I cannot tell you how incredible I feel at this point, in the middle of these three different lunches, that I don't feel as much pressure as I have in years past. I don't feel creatively blocked like I have previously. So if you're struggling with this, go do it. Go, try it immediately today, go for it. But that's all I have for you. So, as always, remember, keep it fresh, keep it fun and just keep going.