The Poddy Report

Tackling the Tough Decision: The Closure of Poddy Report and Revelations Along the Way

September 21, 2023 Krystal Proffitt Season 1 Episode 910
Tackling the Tough Decision: The Closure of Poddy Report and Revelations Along the Way
The Poddy Report
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The Poddy Report
Tackling the Tough Decision: The Closure of Poddy Report and Revelations Along the Way
Sep 21, 2023 Season 1 Episode 910
Krystal Proffitt

Coming to terms with the decision to shut down the Poddy Report was no easy feat. It was a wrestling match within my mind, a tug of war between my emotional attachment to the project and the bare-bones reality of its impact on my business. 

Find out how I navigated this tough decision and how it led to an enlightening realization - we don't always need to prove something! 

This episode pulls back the curtain on how I evaluated the future of the Poddy Report through the lens of three key factors - audience growth, revenue generation, and email list expansion. It was not a snap decision but a thoughtful process spanned several weeks. 

I also confront the idea of having something to prove, realizing the futility of pursuing a goal just to reach a milestone. So join me on this journey and gain insights on tackling tough decisions in your professional life. After all, it's essential to keep it fresh, keep it fun, and keep going.

Show Notes Transcript

Coming to terms with the decision to shut down the Poddy Report was no easy feat. It was a wrestling match within my mind, a tug of war between my emotional attachment to the project and the bare-bones reality of its impact on my business. 

Find out how I navigated this tough decision and how it led to an enlightening realization - we don't always need to prove something! 

This episode pulls back the curtain on how I evaluated the future of the Poddy Report through the lens of three key factors - audience growth, revenue generation, and email list expansion. It was not a snap decision but a thoughtful process spanned several weeks. 

I also confront the idea of having something to prove, realizing the futility of pursuing a goal just to reach a milestone. So join me on this journey and gain insights on tackling tough decisions in your professional life. After all, it's essential to keep it fresh, keep it fun, and keep going.

Speaker 0:

Welcome back to another episode of the Putty Report. So I didn't really talk about this yesterday yesterday's episode because, honestly, when I was recording I thought I was going to get choked up. I didn't want to totally lose it while I was talking about it. But I made the announcement of shutting down the Putty Report for now and it kind of spurred the idea of talking about hard decisions and how to know when, however you want to look at it, enough is enough. It's time to make a change. There's a lot of different ways that you can look at this approach, because people have come to me and said how do you know when it's time to make a pivot in your podcast? How do you know when it's time to shut something down and start something new, or how do you know when it's time to walk away?

Speaker 0:

I've had people that have had co-hosting relationships and their content and it's been a really hard decision to decide to leave, especially if the creative direction is going in a place that you're just like. I just don't want to keep going on this path. This isn't the thing that I signed up for or it's not what I want to do. That can be really hard when it comes from me. This is, of course, all my personal opinion about it, but when I think about making hard decisions in my business specifically that's what we're talking about my content and my business I put it through the lens of is this growing my audience, so exposing me to new people? Is this generating revenue, making me money, or is it growing my email list? I have decided that those are the three key areas that I focus on. That is the lens that everything must go through. When I sat down and I started thinking about what are all the things I'm doing in my business, the potty report specifically is not exposing me to a new audience because this isn't something that I promote on a regular basis. It's not making me any money. I don't have sponsors for this show and I don't have typically a lot of affiliate revenue come from this program or this podcast. Number three is it's not really growing my email list.

Speaker 0:

Because of the first two things, it's not something that I'm overly promotional on this show and I sure I'll share some valuable resources and stuff from time to time, but typically this show has been reserved as my creative sandbox and where I want to play around and test ideas and everything like that when I came to the decision, first of all, the very first thing that I did is I let the idea sit there. I didn't just have the idea and the next day, within 24 hours, say you know what? I'm going to stop, I'm going to pull the plug and I'm not going to do anymore. This was a few weeks that I thought about this. I told the story earlier about being on the beach and sitting there, and then the thought popped into my head and I was absolutely rejecting it. I was sitting there having this argument in my head about no, absolutely not. I was so defensive to myself. I was like what are you even thinking about? Of course we're not going to stop that. That is your thing, that's okay. This is another thing too. I am at 900 something episodes. The next thought was we can't stop, we have to get to 1,000. All of a sudden, it wasn't. You're not just going to stop this, you're going to make it to 1,000 because you have something to prove.

Speaker 0:

Now that I slept on it and I didn't make this decision lightly I really thought about it. I was like I don't have anything to prove, I've done it. Between this podcast and the Profit Podcast, I've created over 1,300 podcast episodes. That still boggles my mind that I even did that in the first place, but I don't have anything to prove. The decision was a lot easier once I settled on that. Don't have something to prove and don't make snap decisions, snap judgments about the next move in your business or your content. Sleep on it. If you have an idea, pop up. If you have a thought, think about it for a while. It makes those hard decisions a little bit easier because it doesn't feel so compulsive and in the moment, that's all I have for you today. If you have any questions about this, please reach out. I'd love to chat, but that's all I have. As always, remember, keep it fresh, keep it fun and just keep going.