The Poddy Report
The Poddy Report
The Poddy Report: Saying Goodbye and Embracing the Future
Welcome to our final curtain call - the closing episode of the Poddy Report. It's a bittersweet moment filled with gratitude, uncertainty, and a whirlwind of emotions.
Over the years, this podcast has been my personal sanctuary, a place to voice my thoughts, uncertainties, and sometimes even downright foolish ideas. My heartfelt thanks to you, dear listener, for your unwavering support - you've turned this podcast into my therapy, a safe space for deep diving into business strategies, personal experiences, fears, and blunders.
While this episode marks the end of the Poddy Report, it's certainly not the last you'll hear from me. I'm bubbling with excitement for new opportunities, upcoming projects, and big ideas for 2024. There's a cocktail of emotions, with a dash of fear - is closing the Poddy Report a mistake? Only time will tell.
For now, I'm eager to continue sharing my journey in other ways - through my email list and Instagram. A rebrand of my website and overall brand is on the horizon, so stay tuned. As this chapter ends, remember to keep it fresh, keep it fun, and never stop moving forward. Here's to our final sign-off - keep going, don't you dare stop.
Welcome back to the last episode of the potty report. That feels weird to say, but that's what this is today and, like I said earlier, I don't know if this is going to be goodbye forever. I don't know if it's gonna be goodbye for the next few months. I could decide in January that I'm like you know what I'm going back. I'm going back to the potty report. I don't know, but I do know that this has been an incredible journey. It has been something I already shared earlier this week All the lessons learned and the fantastic things that this podcast has given me.
Speaker 1:But I am grateful for you, listener. I'm so grateful for you giving me the space to share all the things that I've shared on this podcast. I've shared things about my business, I've shared things about my personal life, I've shared things that I really wasn't sure about and mistakes and fears and things that I just typically don't share in a lot of other places. And I feel like holding this space for those kind of conversations where it was just what I needed. This was my therapy. Let's just call it what it is. This is my therapy in being able to talk through ideas, talk through strategies, share with you things that when I was in the middle of it. I wasn't really even sure who to talk to about it, because it was maybe a dumb idea or maybe it was something that I was in the middle of it and I wasn't sure if it was gonna be a success story or if it was all gonna work out the way that I hoped it would. But you were there to listen and you turned on the podcast, you hit play and you came back and you listened to my shenanigans and all the things that I wanted to talk about. And it makes me a little nervous because I think about all the things that I know that are upcoming. Like I'm just learning about sponsorships.
Speaker 1:I told you yesterday all the big things that are coming up ahead, like I'm just excited to share with you and I am part of me is like, oh, you're making a big mistake. You should keep this podcast because you need this connection with your people. But I do have this connection with you and if you're not on my email list, make sure I go to crystalprofitcom, go all the way to the bottom, click that area where you can put your name and your email and click yes, I want updates, because that will be the best way to connect with me. We can chat through email. You can follow me on Instagram, crystalprofit TX, and connect with me there, because I do have a ton of things that I'm working on that I can't wait to share with you. I have some really big, scary ideas that I want to execute in 2024. I have a whole rebrand that I'm working on for my website and for the podcast and my brand in general that I can't wait to share with you. All the things that are happening. It just won't be here on this podcast, it'll be in other places and it will be in the same way, I hope.
Speaker 1:I know in the first episode, when I went back and listened, it was me saying I wanted to start this podcast to have a connection with you every day, monday through Friday, come rain or shine, hell or high water, you were gonna get a new episode of this podcast every Monday through Friday and it was such an honor to deliver on that promise for over three years and it's been an incredible journey and I've said this once, I'm gonna say it again you are so special to me and I am grateful that you have listened to so many episodes of this podcast and you've given me this opportunity. I'm not gonna cry when I say this. I'm gonna get choked up, but I'm gonna make it through it because, for the last time, dear listener, I have to say keep it fresh, keep it fun and just keep going. Don't you dare stop, just keep going.